Mount this simplehuman grocery bag dispenser on a wall or inside a shelf for convenient, easy access. Stores 30 plastic grocery bags. Simply tuck them into the top opening, and pull them out from the wide dispensing area on the front of the holder. Durable stainless steel construction. Screws and double-sided tape included.
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(Please watch my video review for more information)
****[UPDATED Review after More than 6 Months of Use]****
My Thoughts:
I honestly can't say enough how awesome this bag holder is! It is exactly what I was looking for and I do not regret the purchase one bit! Since my initial purchase, I have bought one for my aunt, mom, and sister and they all love theirs just as much as I love mine! If you are in the market for something like this, stop searching and buy this!
What would I change?:
The only thing that I can think to change is to make the opening on the top a little bit larger. I'm one of those people that rarely goes to the grocery store, but when I do, I spend A LOT of money and get a ton of groceries and thus have a million bags that I want to quickly through into this dispenser. A larger cutout would make this easier to store more bags.
****[Original Review After 1 Week of Use]****
This is an item that everyone simple MUST have!!!!
Why did I buy this?:
Before, I simply had a bag under the sink that I would stuff with plastic bags when I got home from the grocery store. This solution worked out okay for a while, but whenever you wanted to get 1 bag out, you would pull and a million bags would fall out creating a huge mess and making me angry. I started looking for a solution....
Why this product?:
I have seen many similar products, my mom bought one from IKEA, but they are mostly frail, flimsy, breakable plastic. The one she had cracked within a week. As an engineer, I always go above and beyond making sure that anything I purchase will stay with me for awhile. Because of that, I sought after a plastic bag holder made of the best material....STEEL!!
Not only does steel not crack, it also looks very sophisticated. So much in fact that you don't even need to hide this in a closet! I gave this to my aunt for her birthday and she has it right by the door leading into her pantry for everyone to see. It honestly looks great mounted on a wall.
Installation Tips:
-Use Drywall Studs for more secure fit
-Large bag capacity
-Looks very nice
Cons (It is kind of a pro too):
-The adhesive tape it too sticky (if you happen to touch the adhesive to the wall before it's in the final position you want, you will probably rip of the paint like I did in the video)
Honestly this is one of the best innovations I have purchased on amazon and I cannot recommend it highly enough. I will admit that I was skeptical from the start due to the incredible value however this did not disappoint.