Senin, 01 September 2014

Ball Wide-Mouth Plastic Storage Caps, 8-Count

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Ball Wide-Mouth Plastic Storage Caps, 8-Count




If you want to STORE food in ball/mason jars, rather than CANNING food, you NEED these.

Here's why:

The two part metal lids & caps that come with the Ball jars are for *CANNING*. These are NOT DESIGNED to be AIR TIGHT! The act of *canning* (pressure cooker, etc) creates a vacuum which seals the metal lid to the jar - the screw part is optional and is to simply hold the metal lid IN PLACE in case the canning fails. They are designed like that so that if the canning process is somehow faulty, and bacteria forms inside the jar, the lid will let the gases escape without making the jar EXPLODE. If you fill a jar up with WATER and put one of these metal lid/screw combos on it, and put it on its side, in a short time you will see it is NOT air or even water tight without a vacuum.

Now, you DO need the metal lids for canning, of course, and also if you're using one of those vacuum sealers with the jar attachment like the FoodSaver (which I recommend).

BUT YOU ALSO NEED THESE PLASTIC LIDS for storing anything else you want in the very handy classic ball/mason jars. The plastic lids ARE water and air tight - so they're perfect for medium-term storage of cereal, cookies, noodles, rice, etc.

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