Senin, 15 Desember 2014

Zojirushi SM-KHE48AG Stainless Steel Mug, 16-Ounce, Smoky Blue

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Zojirushi SM-KHE48AG Stainless Steel Mug, 16-Ounce, Smoky Blue




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This is literally the best thermos I have ever owned!

Temperature: I poured hot tea in it and was so busy I didnt drink it at school all day. So on my way home (10 hours later) I decided I didnt want to waste good tea and took a swig. OMG NOT A GOOD IDEA. It was still too hot for me! Even though I regretted that for a few seconds I was really surprised and impressed by this. Just for fun one time I tested it by pouring boiling water in it then 2 min later putting the cap on. I then checked the temp 18 hours later. Still hot. STILL HOT. Not warm. HOT. I do live in a warmer area so the coldest environmental temp was probably like 68-70F. With a vacuum seal that shouldnt matter but its worth mentioning.

Cleaning: so easy! It comes apart and you can just wash and dry everything really well. Then reassemble in a few seconds. I even accidentally left milk and coffee go a little stinky in here once and after a regular wash there was no smell at all. That only happened one time but I was really happy about the lack of reminders of my mistake.

Use: I have definitely locked this and just tossed it into my bag before. Its very secure and I have had 0 spills in 6 months of use. Also I like that when you tilt it to drink you dont get a Niagara Falls size gush of liquid onto your face.

VIDEO: b/c I was confused about the parts so I thought others could use the help.

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