Minggu, 23 November 2014

FoodSaver V2244 Vacuum Sealing System

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FoodSaver V2244 Vacuum Sealing System




I'll admit I was skeptical at first - I wasn't convinced that vacuum-sealing would make any impact in reducing the outrageous quantity of food my family wastes in the deep, dark, forgotten recesses of the freezer. But in just two months of use, it actually has. Granted, much of the savings are attributable to more enthusiastic management of the freezer, but it's working. We are now also purchasing meats, cheeses, poultry, etc. in quantity when they're on sale and also cooking sauces in quantity and sealing in multiple bags. The unit has officially paid for itself in our two months of use. The ability to freeze "pre-leftovers" is convenient and saves money. And the quality of the vacuum sealed foods is practically the same as fresh-prepared.

Based on reviews (though mostly of other models), I was concerned about the quality and durability of the sealer, but this unit is well built and performs very consistently. No doubt in my mind that it wouldn't hold up to commercial use, but for family use - weekly and occasionally in-between - I'm confident it will last at least one or two years without problems. Certainly, vacuum pumps are never long-lived and will probably be the demise of the unit, but a unit with a serviceable, commercial grade vacuum pump would cost much, much more and would also require periodic maintenance. This unit is inexpensive enough to justify replacement should it fail.

When ordering we also purchased an assortment of rolls along with the two standard sized bags. I wish we had passed on the rolls - we haven't sealed anything yet that didn't easily fit into either the quart or gallon bags, but I suppose if you are sealing excessively long (and narrow) items like full racks of ribs the rolls would be helpful. The bags are far more convenient and not that much more expensive. Here's another trick - when you need an ice pack immediately or for food transport, just seal some cubes in a bag. For some reason, the ice seems to melt much more slowly in a vacuum bag, and you can even reuse it.

So, my advice is go ahead and try it. If you're not running a home meat packing business I'll bet it will be a good fit for any average family. Read the instructions - an hour of pre-freezing before sealing prevents the vacuum from sucking out juices and is essential when packing sauces and liquids. Doing this I have not even had to clean the sump tray even once. And besides quantity of use, I'm certain aspiration of contents into the vacuum pump is the primary reason the units fail.

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